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Hello! I am no longer updating this blog. Content can now be found at http://www.meganbuttita.com. Please update your bookmarks and visit me at my new and improved site!
I watched this video the other day which features Vint Cerf, commonly referred to as the father of the internet. He makes some outstanding predictions, while being a very engaging and likeable speaker. At the end of the speech, he warns us of the dangers of digitizing everything without a backup print document. What would happen if the materials we digitize today cannot be read by the software of the future? Everyone should be aware of the dangers of relying solely on technology, and he makes a good point at explaining this. By keeping our perspective broad and our minds open, we can move towards a digital environment while being conservative in our techniques.
The other day, I was listening to an NPR Science Friday podcast about how sites like Netflix and Pandora try to recommend other things you might be interested in. Netflix is giving away prizes for people who can improve their recommendation algorithm. While these companies focus on better marketing solutions, one person who called into the show made me very proud to be in the library science field!
She pointed out that while it's nice to have suggestions on these websites, she was disappointed that the sites do not have the same searching functionality as databases at her local library!! I concur! There should be more advanced searching and filtering options to group and sort and drill down the way you would in EBSCO. Sure, you can search by genre or title, but how about adding other fields like director, year, songwriter, etc.? It's only a matter of time before people start to demand more options when searching social applications of all types.
Speaking of social apps, here are a few cool lists from Mashable.com.
70+ Free iPhone Apps for Social Media Mavens
50+ Sites for Book Lovers
Top 30 iPhone Apps for Organization and Productivity
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